Quality Tune Up Car Care CenterFuel System Maintenance
Quality You Can Depend On
Our trained mechanics check your car for safety and let you know if it needs a Fuel Injection service. If that is the case we are ready to perform any fuel system maintenance you may need.
When should the fuel system in my car be cleaned?
We recommend cleaning your fuel system whenever we change a dirty air filter or fuel filter or when we perform an engine tune-up.
Why should I have the fuel system cleaned?
Over time your injectors, intake valves and cylinder heads get dirty. Carbon and varnish deposits from the combustion process keep your engine from running efficiently resulting in lower miles per gallon.
What does the fuel system cleaning include?
Our trained mechanics inspect the system for leaks and damage prior to cleaning the system.
First, a special cleaning additive is put into your gas tank. Then a second chemical is run through your engine using a vacuum line hooked to your fuel line.
What about the fuel filter?
When your fuel filter gets clogged it affects the ability of the engine to receive the proper amount of gasoline to function. If it is completely clogged the engine will not run at all. Changing the fuel filter is a separate service that may be recommended by our qualified mechanics when it is needed.
Better engine performance and increased miles per gallon.