Posted on 26April2023
Check the Tires One of the most important components of spring car maintenance is checking the tires. This includes checking the air pressure, tread depth, and overall condition. It is important to make sure your tires are properly inflated and have enough tread to provide traction in wet conditions. Additionally, any signs of damage, uneven wear, or bulges should be inspected by a professional. Change the Oil and Oil Filter To change the oil and the oil filter on your vehicle, you'll need to: Warm up the engine by driving for about 10 minutes. Park the car on level ground and allow the engine to cool for about 15 minutes. Locate the oil filler cap and remove it, usually located near the top of the engine. Place a drain pan under the oil drain plug and unscrew the plug using an adjustable wrench. Once the oil has completely drained, clean the plug and the surrounding area with a rag or paper towel. Replace the oil drain plug and tighten it with the adjustable wrench. Alter ... read more