Your tires are the only piece of your car that comes in contact with the road, meaning they are also the most difficult to keep clean. While a bit of dirt won't hurt anybody or anything, stuff lurking underneath the soil might. There are specific cleaning procedures you can do at home to keep your tires squeaky clean.
Here's What You Need:
To start your tire-washing process, you'll need:
- A bucket
- Microfiber towels
- A hose and spray nozzle (or low-pressure washer)
- A soft-bristled brush
- Cleanser made for cars
- Wheel wax
- Waxing mitt
Step 1 - Give Them a Good Rinse
After you've gathered the necessary tools and materials, rinse off all the loose dirt and grime with the spray nozzle or pressure washer. We recommend spraying from multiple angles so that you don't miss any spots.
Step 2 - Wash and Scrub
After you've rinsed the tire with water, scrub the surfaces of the tire thoroughly. Using the soft-bristled brush, scrub the tire with warm water and car soap. You can let the soap mixture soak on the tire for a few minutes for an extra cleanse. Repeat the steps if necessary.
Once your tires are free of dirt and debris, you can start washing the surface of the wheel. Afterward, allow both the tire and wheel to dry using the microfiber cloth.
Step 3 - Apply Wax for Extra Shine
While a wax application isn't always a necessary step, it adds a nice finishing touch. For optimum results, apply a cream or paste wax with the waxing mitt. The application steps can vary depending on the type of wax you purchase, so be sure to follow the directions on the container. After the application, please give it a final polish with a soft cloth.
Cleaning your tires is a crucial step when it comes to cleaning your car. It may require extra elbow grease, but it will be worth your while to see those sparkling tires. Aside from dirty wheels not looking pleasant, washing your tires can limit corrosion or other damages. It can also let you have a better look to see if you have any punctures or holes. Letting contaminating particles cling onto your wheels too long can cause your tire finish to peel and become porous. We hope you incorporate this cleaning process into your car maintenance routine. For all your automotive needs, please do not hesitate to reach out to Quality Tune-Up Car Care Center for assistance!