California safety agencies are promoting safe driving this holiday season with tips and added enforcement during December.the California Highway Patrol has teamed up with seven other state law enforcement agencies across the nation in the fourth annual “Interstate 40 Challenge: The Drive toward Zero Fatalities.” The enforcement campaign began Thanksgiving weekend and focuses on more than 2,500-mile stretch of Interstate 40, a stretch of raod that begins in North Carolina and ends in California.As part of the campaign, agencies are encouraged to assign officers for every 20 miles along the I-40 corridor during 12-hour periods of Wednesday and Sunday, which are the busiest travel days. Interstate 40 bisects through California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee.“Accepting the challenge and working with our law enforcement partners and the public has proven very successful in years past,” CHP Commissioner Joe Farrow said. “California did not experience a single fatality on I-40 during past challenges. With the public’s cooperation, the CHP will continue to promote a safe traveling season during the Thanksgiving holiday.”Motorists are reminded to never drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, always wear your seat belt, travel at a safe speed for conditions, and avoid distractions behind the wheel.