Posted on 30January2020
Many of us consider our pets like family, and if you're someone who likes to bring along your furry family members where ever you go, remembering the following car safety tips for traveling with pets can come in handy. You want your pet to have a good time but also want them to stay safe in a vehicle. Here are some of our car safety tips for traveling with pets: If you've never brought your pet into the car before, try to start with smaller rides. This will get them more accustomed to the feeling of being in a moving vehicle and you can see how they react to the experience. If it is positive, you can plan on bringing them along more often. Never leave a pet in a hot car unattended. The inside of your car can literally double in temperature in comparison to the outside and can kill quickly. We recommend never leaving your pet in a car under any circumstance or weather condition, just in case. Keeping your pet secure can help with an anxious pet or a s ... read more